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What size bubble mailer for dvd

Created by: Melod | Published on: September 15, 2023

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What Size Bubble Mailer for DVD?

Choosing the right bubble mailer for your DVD can be the difference between it arriving safely or damaged. With numerous options in the market, making an informed decision is crucial. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What size bubble mailer should I use for DVDs?”, this comprehensive guide will answer all your questions.


DVDs, while durable, are still susceptible to damage. Ensuring they are packaged properly is paramount. Bubble mailers, with their cushioning properties, have emerged as a favorite among sellers and shippers.

Understanding DVDs and Their Dimensions

DVDs, the once dominant force in home entertainment, have specific dimensions that one must be aware of when considering packaging options. Though we commonly refer to all as ‘DVDs’, there are variations based on use and storage capacities, each with its subtle size differences.

Standard DVD Dimensions: The typical DVD, whether it’s a DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-10, or DVD-18, has a consistent diameter of about 120mm or 4.72 inches. The central hole, which allows the DVD to be mounted onto a player or drive, is approximately 15mm in diameter. In terms of thickness, a standard single-sided, single-layer DVD is about 1.2mm thick.

2.2. Dual-Layer and Dual-Sided DVDs: Some DVDs, like the DVD-9 and DVD-18, have dual layers on one or both sides. This means they can hold more data. While the overall diameter remains the same, the thickness might slightly increase due to the added layer. However, for the purposes of packaging, this increase is often negligible.

Mini DVDs: These are less common but still noteworthy. Mini DVDs have a diameter of approximately 80mm, making them notably smaller than the standard versions. They’re often used for promotional materials or camcorders and hold less data. If you’re shipping mini DVDs, it’s crucial to consider their unique size when selecting packaging.

The Importance of Proper Sizing in Packaging: Packaging that is too tight can apply undue pressure on the DVD, risking cracks or breaks, especially around the center hole. On the other hand, packaging that is too loose might allow the DVD to move excessively, increasing the chances of scratches or other surface damages. Given the precision with which DVDs are read by laser systems, even minor damages can render them unplayable.

Consideration of DVD Cases: Most DVDs come in protective cases, which also vary in size. The standard DVD case dimensions are 190mm x 135mm x 14mm. However, slimmer versions and bulkier multi-disc cases exist. When shipping, consider not just the DVD’s dimensions, but also whether it’ll be sent in its case. The protective case offers an additional layer of safety but also requires a larger bubble mailer or packaging solution.

What is a Bubble Mailer?

A bubble mailer, known in some regions as a padded envelope, is an evolution of the traditional mailing envelope, enhanced for better protection of its contents. Designed with the intent to safeguard delicate items during transit, its construction and materials are specialized for this purpose.

Composition and Structure: The outer layer of a bubble mailer is typically made from paper or polyethylene material, which provides the first level of protection against external elements like moisture or minor abrasions. The inside, however, is the distinguishing feature. It’s lined with a sheet of bubble wrap, where each ‘bubble’ is an air-filled pocket. This acts as a cushion, absorbing shocks and impacts, ensuring the safety of the enclosed item.

Types of Bubble Mailers: While the basic principle remains the same, there are variations in bubble mailers tailored for specific needs:

  • Kraft Paper Bubble Mailers: The external layer is made from kraft paper, which is both durable and biodegradable. Suitable for less fragile items that still require cushioning.
  • Poly Bubble Mailers: These are water-resistant due to their polyethylene exterior. They’re ideal for electronics or other items that need protection from moisture.
  • Metallic Bubble Mailers: With a shiny, metallic exterior, these mailers provide both insulation and an eye-catching appearance, perfect for luxury or gift items.

The Science Behind the Bubbles: Each air-filled bubble acts as a tiny shock absorber. When the mailer faces an impact, the air within the bubbles disperses the force, preventing it from reaching the item inside. The more significant the force, the more bubbles get engaged, offering a graduated protection system.

Size and Customizability: Bubble mailers come in various sizes, from those suitable for small jewelry pieces to larger ones for books or DVDs. Some providers, like MailerBoxFactory, even offer customizable sizes, ensuring a snug fit for any item. Proper sizing is vital: too big, and the item can shift during transport; too small, and it might not close properly or put undue pressure on the contents.

3.5. Environmental Impact and Sustainable Options: Given the rise in e-commerce and the corresponding increase in shipping materials, sustainability is a pressing concern. Many manufacturers now offer eco-friendly bubble mailers, made from recycled materials or designed for easy recycling. Choosing such options can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of shipping.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bubble Mailer for DVDs

Shipping DVDs requires a combination of protective features. Due to their delicate nature, they can be easily damaged by scratches, pressure, or external environmental factors. As such, the choice of bubble mailer becomes pivotal. Here’s an in-depth look at the considerations:

Size and Fit:

  • DVD and Its Case: A standard DVD case measures approximately 190mm x 135mm x 14mm. You should select a mailer that comfortably fits the DVD, ideally adding an extra inch on all sides for proper sealing and margin.
  • Buffer Space: Ensure there’s some room, but not too much. Excessive movement can cause friction, leading to scratches on the DVD surface.

Bubble Cushioning Quality:

  • Density: The density of the bubbles determines how much shock they can absorb. More densely packed bubbles provide superior protection against impacts.
  • Durability: Bubbles should maintain their air cushioning throughout the entire transit process. The durability of the bubble wrap lining can vary depending on the manufacturer and quality.

Exterior Durability and Protection:

  • Material Type: The outer layer could be made from kraft paper, polyethylene, or other durable materials. Each has its pros and cons regarding resistance to tears, punctures, and moisture.
  • Weather Protection: Some mailers come with water-resistant exteriors, which are invaluable if the package might be exposed to rain or other wet conditions.

Seal Strength and Integrity:

  • Adhesive Quality: A quality seal ensures the DVD remains inside the package. A weak seal could result in the DVD slipping out, leading to potential loss or damage.
  • Tamper Evidence: Some bubble mailers feature tamper-evident seals. These are especially useful if shipping rare or collector’s DVDs as they provide an extra layer of security.

Customization and Branding Opportunities:

  • Printability: If you’re a business, you might want to print logos or other branding elements on the mailer. Some companies, such as MailerBoxFactory, offer custom printing options to enhance brand visibility.
  • Color Variations: Different colors or finishes can make your shipment stand out or align more closely with your brand aesthetics.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Recyclability: Given the growing emphasis on sustainability, choosing recyclable mailers can be a responsible choice. It not only aligns with eco-conscious values but may also appeal to environmentally-aware customers.
  • Biodegradable Options: Some bubble mailers are now made with biodegradable materials, offering a reduced environmental footprint.

Cost vs. Quality:

  • Bulk Pricing: Purchasing in bulk often results in savings per mailer. However, it’s essential to balance cost with quality. A slightly pricier, high-quality mailer might prevent damages and save costs in the long run.

Recommended Sizes of Bubble Mailers for DVDs

When shipping DVDs, the right size of the bubble mailer can be the difference between your DVD arriving intact or damaged. Given the standard dimensions of DVDs and their cases, certain mailer sizes tend to be more suitable. Here’s a detailed overview:

Standard DVD Case Dimensions:

  • Size: A typical DVD case, often referred to as a “keep case”, measures around 7.5 inches (190mm) in height, 5.3 inches (135mm) in width, and 0.55 inches (14mm) in thickness.
  • Buffer Requirement: To ensure a snug fit, it’s advisable to add an extra inch to both the width and height dimensions to account for the thickness of the bubble padding and to ensure ease of insertion.

Ideal Bubble Mailer Sizes:

  • For Single DVDs: A bubble mailer measuring approximately 8.5 inches in height by 6.5 inches in width should provide a comfortable fit for a single DVD in its case.
  • For Multiple DVDs: If you’re shipping more than one DVD together, adjust the width accordingly. For example, two DVDs might require a width of around 7.5 inches or more, depending on the combined thickness.

Extra Protection for Collector’s DVDs:

  • Double Layering: For rare or collector’s DVDs, consider using a slightly larger mailer to accommodate the DVD wrapped in an additional layer of bubble wrap before being placed inside the bubble mailer. This provides an extra shield against potential damages.
  • Buffer Space: Ensure there’s a little space at the edges after placing the DVD inside. This prevents undue pressure on the DVD case when sealing the mailer and also accounts for potential swelling during high-altitude air shipments.

Custom Sizes:

  • Bespoke Solutions: Some providers, including MailerBoxFactory, offer custom sizes tailored to specific requirements. For special DVD editions that may not fit the standard sizes or for box set collections, custom-sized bubble mailers can be a boon.
  • Benefits: Custom sizing ensures a perfect fit, eliminating excessive movement inside and reducing the risk of damage. It also offers a professional appearance, enhancing the unboxing experience for the recipient.

Additional Considerations:

  • Mailer Thickness: The thickness of the bubble mailer itself can vary. A thicker mailer offers better protection but may be slightly smaller internally due to the thicker bubble layer. Always verify internal dimensions when making a choice.
  • Sealing Area: Ensure that the listed dimensions of the mailer don’t include the sealing flap. You want the actual storage space inside the mailer to fit the dimensions mentioned earlier.

Tips for Efficiently Packing DVDs in Bubble Mailers

Packing DVDs with efficiency ensures not just their safety but also a positive unboxing experience for the recipient. Properly packed DVDs appear professional, reduce the risk of damage, and potentially enhance customer satisfaction. Here are some expert guidelines:

Pre-Pack Inspection:

  • Check the DVD: Before placing it inside, ensure that the DVD is free from scratches and is seated correctly in its case.
  • Case Condition: Examine the DVD case for cracks or damages. Use a fresh case if needed, especially if the DVD is a gift or a sale item.

Optimal Positioning:

  • Label Side Up: When inserting the DVD into the mailer, ensure the label side (printed side) of the DVD faces the bubble side of the mailer. This offers an additional cushioning layer to the data side, which is more vulnerable to scratches.

Reinforce Protection for Valuable DVDs:

  • Double Bubble Wrap: For limited editions or rare DVDs, consider wrapping the DVD with an extra layer of bubble wrap before placing it inside the bubble mailer. Ensure the bubbles face outward for optimal shock absorption.

Efficient Sealing:

  • Pressure at the Edge: When sealing the mailer, press from one edge to the other to ensure no air pockets are trapped, which can potentially cause the mailer to burst open during transit.
  • Double Seal: Use additional tape over the mailer’s built-in adhesive strip for an extra layer of security. This prevents accidental openings and increases the mailer’s strength.

Minimize Internal Movement:

  • Filler Material: If there’s too much free space inside the mailer (which can cause the DVD to slide around), consider using thin, soft filler materials like tissue paper to fill the void.

External Labelling:

  • Clear Addresses: Write or print the destination and return addresses clearly. Consider using waterproof ink or labels to ensure the address remains legible even if exposed to moisture.
  • Fragile Marking: Although bubble mailers provide cushioning, it’s still a good idea to mark the package as “Fragile” if space allows. It serves as a reminder for postal workers to handle with care.

Environmental and Cost Efficiency:

  • Reuse Mailers: If you receive items in bubble mailers and they’re still in good condition, consider reusing them. It’s environmentally friendly and cost-efficient.
  • Bulk Purchasing: If you often ship DVDs, buy bubble mailers in bulk. It’s often cheaper per mailer and ensures you always have them on hand.

Consider Shipping Partners:

  • Shipping Rates: Depending on the thickness and weight of your packed mailer, shipping rates can vary. It’s worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the rate structures of various postal and courier services.
  • Tracking Services: For more valuable DVDs, consider using a shipping method that offers tracking. It provides peace of mind for both the sender and the recipient.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

In the realm of shipping DVDs, small errors can lead to significant losses, be it financial or in terms of customer trust. Here’s a comprehensive rundown of pitfalls to sidestep:

Using Worn-Out Mailers:

  • Problem: Reusing old, worn-out mailers may seem economical, but they offer reduced protection.
  • Solution: Always inspect reused mailers for signs of wear, tear, or compromised bubble cushioning. If in doubt, opt for a fresh mailer.

Overstuffing Mailers:

  • Problem: Cramming too many DVDs into a single mailer can cause the mailer to burst open during transit or damage the DVDs.
  • Solution: Always use appropriately sized mailers. If you’re shipping multiple DVDs, consider larger or multiple mailers.

Ignoring the Sealing Area:

  • Problem: Incomplete sealing can result in DVDs slipping out.
  • Solution: Ensure a firm seal across the entire width of the mailer. For added security, consider using tape over the adhesive strip.

Not Testing the Fit:

  • Problem: Assuming all DVDs and their cases are of uniform size can lead to poor fit.
  • Solution: Always test the fit, especially if you’re shipping non-standard DVD cases or box sets. It’s crucial for the DVD to sit snugly inside without excessive movement.

Skimping on Additional Protection for Valuables:

  • Problem: Treating rare or collector’s DVDs the same as regular ones.
  • Solution: Use additional protective layers, like extra bubble wrap, for valuable DVDs. Also, consider using mailers with a thicker bubble lining.

Inadequate Labeling:

  • Problem: Poorly written or placed labels can become unreadable or peel off.
  • Solution: Use clear, waterproof labels or permanent markers. Place labels flat on one side without any creases or overlaps.

Not Considering Environmental Factors:

  • Problem: Neglecting the potential impact of rain, snow, or humidity.
  • Solution: Opt for weather-resistant mailers, especially if you’re shipping to or through regions with unpredictable weather. Alternatively, wrap the mailer in a plastic sleeve.

Neglecting Return Information:

  • Problem: Forgetting to include return information can complicate matters if the shipment can’t be delivered.
  • Solution: Always include a return address, either on the mailer itself or on a slip inside. It ensures that undelivered items can be safely returned.

Choosing the Wrong Shipping Option:

  • Problem: Opting for the cheapest shipping without tracking or insurance for valuable items.
  • Solution: For valuable or time-sensitive DVDs, consider using tracked or expedited shipping. Insurance can also be a wise choice for irreplaceable items.


Choosing the right bubble mailer for your DVD ensures safe transit and delivers a positive customer experience. Whether you opt for standard sizes or prefer custom solutions from trusted providers like MailerBoxFactory, make sure safety is your top priority.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I reuse bubble mailers? Yes, if they’re in good condition.

Are there eco-friendly alternatives to traditional bubble mailers? Absolutely. Companies like MailerBoxFactory offer sustainable choices.

What’s the cost difference between standard and custom-sized bubble mailers? Custom-sized bubble mailers might be slightly more expensive but offer tailored solutions for unique shipping requirements.

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