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Paper Grammage(GSM), PT and Thickness Comparison and Conversion Table

Created by: Melod | Published on: July 15, 2023

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Welcome to MailerBoxFactory’s comprehensive guide on paper grammage, PT, and thickness! In this article, we will provide you with a detailed understanding of these important aspects of paper, which will help you make informed decisions for your printing and packaging needs. Whether you are a business owner, a designer, or simply curious about paper, we’ve got you covered! Let’s delve into the world of paper and uncover the secrets behind its grammage, PT, and thickness.

What is Paper Grammage?

Paper grammage, also known as basis weight, refers to the weight of paper per unit area. It is expressed in grams per square meter (GSM) or pounds per ream (a ream is typically 500 sheets). When you hold a sheet of paper, its grammage determines its density and thickness. Just like how different fabrics have different weights and textures, papers with varying grammages possess unique characteristics.

At MailerBoxFactory, we specialize in producing high-quality packaging solutions using various paper grammages. Our website, mailerboxfactory.com, showcases our wide range of customizable boxes, mailers, and packaging materials.

How is Paper Grammage Measured?

Measuring paper grammage is a precise and crucial process that involves specialized equipment and techniques. Manufacturers employ sophisticated instruments to ensure accurate measurements and consistency in the production of paper.

The measurement process begins by obtaining a representative sample of the paper. This sample is carefully cut to a specific size, ensuring it covers a known area. Next, the sample is placed on a highly sensitive balance, capable of measuring even the slightest weight differences.

Once the sample is in place, the balance records the weight accurately. This weight is then divided by the area covered by the sample, resulting in the grammage value. For example, if the sample covers one square meter, the recorded weight represents the grammage in grams per square meter (GSM). Similarly, if the sample covers one square foot, the grammage is measured in pounds per ream (500 sheets).

To ensure precision, manufacturers often take multiple samples from different areas of the paper reel or stack. These samples are then averaged to obtain a reliable and representative grammage measurement.

The measured grammage value provides essential information about the density and weight of the paper. This information is vital for various applications, such as printing, packaging, and determining the appropriate paper for specific uses.

At MailerBoxFactory, we understand the significance of accurate grammage measurements. Our team of experts utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and adheres to rigorous quality control processes to ensure the grammage specifications of our paper products meet the highest standards. We are committed to delivering exceptional quality and performance in every packaging solution we offer.

When you choose MailerBoxFactory, you can trust that the grammage of our packaging materials has been measured with precision, ensuring that your products are packaged with the optimal density and weight for their intended purpose. Visit our website, mailerboxfactory.com, to explore our range of customizable packaging options designed to meet your specific requirements.

What is PT?

PT, or paper thickness, is a critical parameter in the world of paper manufacturing and usage. It refers to the physical thickness of a single sheet of paper and plays a significant role in determining the tactile and visual characteristics of the paper.

Measuring paper thickness requires precision instruments known as micrometers. These devices are designed to provide accurate measurements in micrometers (µm) or thousandths of an inch (mil). The micrometer consists of a movable spindle and an anvil, between which the paper is placed for measurement.

To measure the thickness of a sheet of paper, it is carefully positioned between the spindle and the anvil, ensuring that the pressure applied is consistent. The micrometer is then gently closed, and the reading on the device’s scale indicates the thickness of the paper.

Paper thickness is an essential factor to consider in various industries and applications. For example, in the printing industry, the thickness of the paper affects the quality and durability of printed materials. Thicker paper can withstand more handling and provides a substantial feel, making it suitable for business cards, invitations, and high-end brochures.

In the realm of packaging, paper thickness contributes to the strength and protection of the packaging materials. Thicker paper provides better rigidity and resistance to external forces, safeguarding the contents of packages during transportation and storage.

At MailerBoxFactory, we recognize the significance of paper thickness in delivering premium packaging solutions. Our team carefully selects and measures the thickness of the papers we use in our packaging materials to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

By considering paper thickness, we can tailor our packaging solutions to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need sturdy corrugated boxes, rigid mailers, or custom packaging for your products, we take pride in offering a range of options with varying paper thicknesses to provide the ideal level of protection and presentation.

When you choose MailerBoxFactory, you can trust that our packaging materials’ thickness has been meticulously measured, resulting in packaging solutions that not only look impressive but also offer exceptional durability and protection for your valuable products. Visit our website, mailerboxfactory.com, to discover our extensive range of customizable packaging solutions designed to elevate your brand image and exceed your expectations.

Understanding Thickness

When we talk about the thickness of paper, we are referring to the physical measurement that determines how thick or thin a sheet of paper is. Paper thickness is an essential characteristic that influences its durability, functionality, and overall quality.

To understand thickness more comprehensively, let’s explore the various aspects that contribute to this parameter.

  1. Fiber Composition: The type of fibers used in the papermaking process affects its thickness. For example, papers made from long fibers tend to be thicker than those made from shorter fibers. Additionally, the presence of additives, such as fillers or coatings, can also impact the thickness of the paper.
  2. Manufacturing Process: The way paper is manufactured plays a crucial role in determining its thickness. During the papermaking process, the pulp is spread onto a mesh screen and compressed to remove excess water. The pressure applied during this step affects the density and thickness of the resulting paper.
  3. Calendering: Calendering is an additional step that some papers undergo to enhance their smoothness and finish. This process involves passing the paper through a series of rollers that apply pressure and heat. Calendering can influence the thickness of the paper by compacting its fibers and reducing its thickness slightly.
  4. Weight and Density: The weight and density of the paper are closely related to its thickness. Heavier papers with higher grammage tend to be thicker, while lighter papers with lower grammage are thinner. This relationship between weight and thickness is an important consideration when selecting paper for specific applications.

Understanding the thickness of paper is vital for making informed decisions in various industries. For instance, in the printing industry, the thickness of paper affects the overall appearance and feel of printed materials. Thicker paper lends a sense of quality and durability to items like business cards, brochures, and packaging inserts.

In the realm of packaging, the thickness of paper is a critical factor in determining the strength and protective capabilities of packaging materials. Thicker paper provides better resistance to tears, punctures, and other external forces, ensuring that the packaged products remain secure during transit and handling.

At MailerBoxFactory, we place great emphasis on the thickness of our packaging materials. By utilizing high-quality papers with appropriate thickness, we create packaging solutions that not only offer superior protection but also elevate the presentation and branding of our clients’ products.

When you choose MailerBoxFactory, you can expect packaging materials with carefully measured thicknesses that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you require custom boxes, mailers, or inserts, our team ensures that the thickness of our packaging materials aligns with the desired level of protection and aesthetic appeal.

Visit our website, mailerboxfactory.com, to explore our diverse range of packaging options and experience the difference that meticulous attention to thickness can make in delivering exceptional packaging solutions.

How Does Grammage Relate to PT and Thickness?

Understanding the relationship between paper grammage, PT (paper thickness), and overall thickness is essential for choosing the right paper for specific applications. Let’s delve deeper into how these factors are interconnected.

Grammage, as mentioned earlier, refers to the weight of paper per unit area, usually measured in grams per square meter (GSM) or pounds per ream. It provides information about the density and weight of the paper.

When we consider grammage in relation to PT and overall thickness, we find that there is a direct correlation between these parameters. Higher grammage indicates a denser paper with more fibers packed into each square meter. This increased fiber density results in a thicker sheet of paper. Conversely, lower grammage signifies a less dense paper with fewer fibers, leading to a thinner sheet.

To better understand this relationship, let’s imagine two sheets of paper, one with a higher grammage and the other with a lower grammage, but both having the same physical dimensions. When we hold these sheets, we can feel that the one with higher grammage is thicker, while the one with lower grammage is thinner. This is because the higher grammage paper contains more fibers per unit area, giving it a greater overall thickness.

It’s important to note that the relationship between grammage, PT, and overall thickness is not linear. For example, doubling the grammage doesn’t necessarily double the thickness. The density and arrangement of fibers, as well as the manufacturing process and paper composition, contribute to the complex relationship between these parameters.

Understanding this relationship is crucial when selecting paper for different purposes. For applications that require sturdiness, such as packaging materials or business cards, higher grammage paper with greater thickness and PT is often preferred. On the other hand, for applications like writing or internal documentation, where weight and thickness are less critical, lower grammage paper may suffice.

At MailerBoxFactory, we offer a wide range of packaging solutions using papers with varying grammages to meet diverse customer needs. Our expertise allows us to recommend the most suitable grammage and thickness for your specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance and aesthetics.

When you choose MailerBoxFactory, you benefit from our in-depth understanding of the relationship between grammage, PT, and thickness. We take pride in providing packaging materials that strike the perfect balance between strength, durability, and visual appeal. Visit our website, mailerboxfactory.com, to explore our extensive range of customizable packaging options and experience the difference that the right combination of grammage and thickness can make.

Grammage, PT, and Thickness Conversion Table

To simplify the understanding of the relationship between grammage, PT, and thickness, we have compiled a conversion table. This table provides quick and convenient conversions between different measurement units:

Grammage (GSM)Grammage (lb)PT (Points)Thickness (mm)Thickness (inches)

This conversion table allows you to switch between different measurement units, enabling you to make accurate comparisons and selections.

Why is Paper Grammage Important?

Understanding the importance of paper grammage is crucial when it comes to selecting the right paper for various applications. Let’s delve deeper into why paper grammage plays a significant role in the world of printing, packaging, and beyond.

  1. Strength and Durability: The grammage of paper directly impacts its strength and durability. Higher grammage papers tend to be stronger and more resistant to tearing or folding. This makes them suitable for applications that require robustness, such as packaging materials, book covers, or folders. On the other hand, lower grammage papers are lighter and more flexible, making them ideal for uses that prioritize flexibility and ease of handling, like flyers or internal documents.
  2. Print Quality: The choice of paper grammage significantly affects the quality of printed materials. Higher grammage papers provide better ink absorption, resulting in sharper and more vibrant colors. They also minimize show-through, ensuring that the print on one side of the paper doesn’t bleed through to the other side. This makes them preferred for materials like brochures, catalogs, or high-end marketing collateral. Lower grammage papers, while more economical, may exhibit lower print quality and show-through, making them more suitable for internal documents or drafts.
  3. Perceived Value: Paper grammage can influence the perceived value of printed or packaged items. Thicker and heavier papers with higher grammage are often associated with higher quality and a sense of luxury. When customers interact with such materials, they may perceive the product or brand in a more positive light. For instance, a business card printed on thicker, higher grammage paper can leave a lasting impression of professionalism and attention to detail.
  4. Packaging Performance: In packaging applications, selecting the appropriate paper grammage is crucial to ensure optimal performance. Higher grammage papers provide better structural integrity, preventing boxes or cartons from collapsing or deforming during transportation or storage. They offer enhanced protection for the packaged products, making them suitable for fragile or valuable items. Lower grammage papers may be more suitable for lightweight products or situations where cost efficiency is prioritized.
  5. Environmental Impact: Paper grammage can also have an environmental impact. Lower grammage papers require fewer raw materials and energy during production, resulting in reduced carbon footprint and resource consumption. They can contribute to sustainability initiatives and eco-friendly practices. However, it’s important to strike a balance between environmental considerations and the specific requirements of the application to ensure optimal performance and functionality.

At MailerBoxFactory, we understand the significance of paper grammage in delivering superior packaging solutions. Our range of packaging materials includes various grammages to cater to different needs. We prioritize the selection of grammages that strike the perfect balance between strength, print quality, and environmental considerations.

When you choose MailerBoxFactory, you can trust that our packaging materials’ grammages have been thoughtfully chosen to provide the best combination of performance, aesthetics, and sustainability. Visit our website, mailerboxfactory.com, to explore our extensive range of customizable packaging options and experience the difference that the right grammage can make in elevating your products and brand image.

Selecting the appropriate paper grammage is essential for achieving the desired results in your printing and packaging endeavors. Consider the following factors when choosing paper:

  • Printed Materials: For vibrant and professional-looking printed materials such as brochures, flyers, or catalogs, opt for a higher grammage paper. This will enhance the visual impact and durability of your marketing materials.
  • Packaging Solutions: Depending on the product being packaged and the desired level of protection, choose a paper with an appropriate grammage. Heavier or fragile items might require a higher grammage to ensure structural integrity and safeguard the contents during transit.

By understanding the relationship between paper grammage, PT, and thickness, you can confidently select the ideal paper for your specific application. At MailerBoxFactory, we provide comprehensive information about the grammage and thickness of our packaging materials, enabling you to make informed choices.

Factors Affecting Paper Grammage

Several factors influence the grammage of paper. These factors include:

  • Fiber Type: Different types of fibers, such as wood pulp or recycled paper, can affect the density and grammage of the paper. At MailerBoxFactory, we offer sustainable packaging options that utilize recycled and eco-friendly materials.
  • Manufacturing Process: The manufacturing process, including pulping, bleaching, and drying, can influence the grammage of the paper. Our experienced team ensures the highest manufacturing standards to deliver consistent quality across all our products.
  • Coatings and Additives: Special coatings or additives applied to the paper surface can alter its grammage. These coatings can enhance the appearance, printability, and durability of the paper.

By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions when selecting paper for your projects. MailerBoxFactory takes pride in its attention to detail and commitment to quality, ensuring that the grammage of our packaging materials aligns with your specific requirements.

Paper Grammage in Everyday Life

Paper grammage influences numerous aspects of our daily lives, even if we may not always be aware of it. Consider the following examples:

  • Books and Magazines: The grammage of the paper used for book pages affects the readability, durability, and overall feel of the reading experience. Higher-quality books often use thicker paper with higher grammage.
  • Packaging Products: When you receive a package, the thickness and sturdiness of the packaging material provide a sense of security. Whether it’s a subscription box or an online purchase, the grammage of the packaging material plays a significant role in protecting the contents.
  • Marketing Materials: Flyers, brochures, and business cards benefit from higher grammage paper as it exudes a premium feel and durability, leaving a lasting impression on potential customers.

These everyday examples demonstrate the importance of paper grammage in our lives. At MailerBoxFactory, we understand the significance of quality packaging and printing materials. Visit our website, mailerboxfactory.com, to explore our wide range of customizable solutions.


In summary, understanding paper grammage, PT, and thickness is essential for making informed decisions when selecting materials for printing and packaging projects. Grammage determines the density and weight of paper, while PT and thickness provide insights into its thickness and sturdiness. By considering these factors, you can ensure that your chosen paper meets the specific requirements of your project.

At MailerBoxFactory, we strive to provide high-quality packaging solutions that meet your unique needs. With our comprehensive range of customizable options and attention to grammage and thickness specifications, we can help you create packaging that stands out in terms of both aesthetics and functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the difference between GSM and PT?
    • GSM, or grams per square meter, measures the weight of paper per unit area, while PT, or paper thickness, indicates the physical thickness of a single sheet. They are two different parameters used to evaluate paper characteristics.
  2. How can I convert GSM to PT?
    • The conversion from GSM to PT depends on various factors, including the type of paper and its specific composition. However, our conversion table provides a general reference for commonly used paper grammages and their corresponding PT values.
  3. Does higher grammage mean better quality?
    • Higher grammage paper tends to be thicker and more durable, making it suitable for certain applications that require robustness and longevity. However, the quality of paper depends on multiple factors, including its intended use, fiber composition, and manufacturing processes.
  4. What is the most common paper grammage for printing?
    • The most common paper grammage for printing varies depending on the specific application. However, 80 GSM is often considered a standard weight for printing purposes, offering a balance between quality, cost-effectiveness, and versatility.
  5. Can I use a lower grammage paper for important documents?
    • It is generally recommended to use higher grammage paper for important documents to ensure durability and longevity. However, the suitability of a specific grammage depends on the nature of the document and its intended use. Consider the level of handling, longevity requirements, and overall importance of the document before making a decision.

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I’m from MailerBoxFactory. We are a professional custom boxes packaging manufacturer in China. We provide high quality paper box packaging for packing your products. Get an instant quote for your projects now!
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