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Custom Lift-off Lid Rigid Boxes

Stylishly create a unique experience with differentiating tops and bottoms — our custom lift off boxes are here to impress.
Customize now

Create Remarkable Liftoff Boxes with Zero Effort

Strategic Packaging Design

Industry tailored designs to outshine competitors.

Managed manufacturing

Sourced only from certified facilities to deliver multi packaging capabilties.

Hassle Free Logistics

Optimized shipping routes for on-time delveries and reduced carbon emissions.

The MailerBoxFacotry promise

We guarantee the highest quality experience for every packaging order.

Skyrocket your product’s appeal

To ensure your customers are drawn to your offerings, it’s crucial that your two-piece lift-off gift boxes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also tailored to your product. A bespoke two-piece rigid box not only provides optimal protection but also underscores your dedication to premium product presentation.


Skyrocket your product’s appeal

To ensure your customers are drawn to your offerings, it’s crucial that your two-piece lift-off gift boxes are not only aesthetically pleasing but also tailored to your product. A bespoke two-piece rigid box not only provides optimal protection but also underscores your dedication to premium product presentation.


Find your perfect corrugated style

Discover the ideal blend of durability and design with our premium selection of corrugated cardboard boxes. Tailored to fit your brand’s unique needs, our customizable boxes not only protect your products but elevate your brand’s image.
Unsure what product suits your project the best? Have our experts help assist you!

Custom-build your partial covers with unlimited options

Get the luxury of customizing your telescopic boxes with no limitations using our vast library of options.

Wrapping Paper Options


Printing Options

Coating & Laminations

Special Finishes


Not seeing the option you’re looking for?
Have our sourcing experts assist you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are custom rigid boxes expensive?

    Crafting rigid boxes requires some serious attention to detail! Making these sturdy pieces of packaging involves expensive materials like thick chipboard and intricate paper wraps, as well as a lot of manual labor. It’s no small task – but the end result is definitely worth it.

  • What is the minimum order quantity for rigid boxes?

    The minimum order quantity (MOQ) for our packaging depends on the packaging you are ordering. Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of rigid boxes, which involves multiple different material options, we cannot provide a solid MOQ unless specified.

    See our list of all our MOQs by product, or contact us by phone or email.

  • What is the turnaround time for custom printed rigid boxes?

    Our current turnaround times are an estimated 10 – 20 business days depending on the packaging type, order size, and time of the year. For the most up-to-date turnaround times, we recommend contacting our product specialists so we can give you the most accurate time. Alternatively, you can check our turnaround time list for product-specific turnaround times.

  • How long does shipping take?

    Due to the constant changes in shipping and the origin of your manufacturing, we cannot guarantee a general shipping time for our customers. To get a more accurate shipping time, please get in touch with our product specialists to provide you with an up-to-date estimation.


  • Can I order a sample of my rigid box?

    Yes, and we highly advise you to, especially for custom printed rigid boxes! We carry many sample types to serve different use cases and help you guarantee the best results! Explore our sample types here sample types here.

    If you want to order just a sample first, please get in touch with our product specialist by phone or email.

  • Do you offer more cost effective rigid box options?

    Yes!  It’s possible to create a MailerBoxFacotry packaging experience without breaking the bank.  With our expansive selection of materials, styles and customization options, you can discover that perfect fit for your budget.  Take advantage of folding cartons – it might be just what you’re looking for!