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Custom Paper Tubes

Discover our premium-quality custom paper tubes, meticulously crafted to elevate your product presentation. Tailored to your needs, our tubes combine aesthetics with durability, ensuring your brand stands out. Choose eco-friendly packaging that resonates with your audience. Invest in quality today.

  1. Cylindrical shape
  2. Sturdy cardboard or paperboard material
  3. Customizable diameter and height
  4. Spiral-wound or linear construction
  5. Optional inner lining or coating
  6. Cap or lid (can be metal, plastic, or paper)
  7. Personalized print and branding options

Paper Tube manufacturer

Seeking dependable and innovative packaging solutions? As a leading paper tube manufacturer, we prioritize both design and sustainability. Elevate your brand with our bespoke paper tubes, tailored to meet your unique needs. Partner with excellence and choose environmentally-conscious packaging today.

  1. Eco-friendly: Sustainable materials reduce environmental impact.
  2. Customizable: Tailored sizes, designs, and branding options.
  3. Durable: Resilient construction ensures product protection
  4. Cost-effective: Often cheaper than plastic or metal alternatives.
  5. Rapid production: Streamlined processes for quick turnaround.
  6. Versatile: Suitable for various industries and products.
  7. Expertise: In-depth knowledge of paper materials and design.

Featured Paper Tube Packaging Solutions

In the competitive realm of packaging, choosing the right partner is crucial. As a distinguished paper tube manufacturer, we’re committed to blending innovative design with eco-consciousness. Our featured packaging solutions not only elevate product presentation but also signify a dedication to sustainability. Tailored to your specifications, our paper tubes offer versatility, durability, and a touch of sophistication. Explore a greener, bespoke packaging experience with a leading industry expert today. Join the wave of brands making environmentally-savvy choices.
Household Tube Packaging
Cardboard Tube Food Packaging
Cosmetic Tube Packaging
Custom Paper Tubes
Gift Tube Packaging
Wine Tubes Packaging
Candle Tube Packaging
Custom Paper Boxes

Partners You Can Rely On

In the dynamic landscape of packaging, having a trustworthy ally is invaluable. At MailerBoxFactory, we transcend beyond being just another paper tube company. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the precision and sustainability of our products. As partners in your journey, we aim to fuse aesthetics with responsibility, offering solutions that reflect your brand’s ethos while treading lightly on the Earth. With MailerBoxFactory, choose reliability, innovation, and eco-consciousness in every packaging choice you make. Dive into a partnership built on mutual respect and shared vision.

Sace Your Time

Unlike those businesses that want to DIY all things, including their packaging solutions,MailerBoxFacotry eliminates the need for tedious and time-consuming research by providing you with the best paper tube manufacturer in China that offers competitive rates.

Sace Your Cost

No need to invest in a paper tube machine and personnel training. Our experienced and professional staff will provide you with the highest quality paper tubes at cost-effective prices, and we guarantee that our products are up to the highest degree of quality.

We Deliver Securely

Our paper tubes are designed with secure construction and are made out of robust materials to ensure that your product is safe inside the tubes. All of our paper tubes come with complete shipping and delivery assurance so you can be confident knowing that your product will arrive safely.

Paper Tube Manufacturer Workshop

5+ Years
400+ pcs
Daily Output
1000+ Years
90+ %

Advantages Of Our Paper Tubes

Selecting the right packaging is pivotal in today’s market, and MailerBoxFactory is more than just a paper tube company. We’re a testament to quality and innovation. Our paper tubes come with distinct advantages: they’re sustainable, offering an eco-friendly footprint; they’re versatile, tailored to fit diverse products; and they’re aesthetically appealing, giving brands a competitive edge. When you partner with us, you’re not only choosing superior packaging but also making a statement about your brand’s commitment to the environment. Experience the MailerBoxFactory difference today.


At MailerBoxFactory, your success is ours. As a premier paper tube manufacturer, we prioritize unparalleled customer support, guiding you through each step. Experience seamless collaboration, and let our expertise elevate your brand.


At MailerBoxFactory, we don’t compromise on quality. Specializing in custom paper tubes, we source only the finest materials, ensuring robust, eco-friendly packaging that speaks volumes about your brand. Excellence, from the inside out.


Dive into limitless possibilities with MailerBoxFactory. Our expertise in custom paper tubes offers boundless customization, ensuring each piece resonates with your brand’s unique identity. Crafted to perfection, just for you.


Harness the power of innovation with MailerBoxFactory. As a leading paper tube manufacturer, we employ the latest manufacturing equipment, ensuring precision and quality in every piece. Elevate your brand with the best in the business.


With decades under our belt, we stand proud as a seasoned paper tube manufacturer. Our extensive experience ensures unmatched quality, reliability, and a legacy of excellence in every product. Trust the experts; trust our journey.


At MailerBoxFactory, we prioritize your time. Specializing in custom paper tubes, our streamlined production and logistics ensure prompt shipments. Get superior packaging delivered swiftly, meeting both quality and timelines. Your satisfaction, our promise.

Get Custom Paper Tubes The Way You Like

Entrust your packaging needs to MailerBoxFactory, a premier paper tube manufacturer. We understand uniqueness, hence, we curate tubes tailored to your brand’s aesthetics and function. Our commitment? Sustainability meets precision. Elevate your product’s appeal with our expertly crafted, eco-friendly solutions. Collaborate with the best, and let your brand stand out with distinction.

Wide Selection of Materials

At MailerBoxFactory, we pride ourselves as a top-notch paper tube manufacturer offering a diverse material palette. Dive into our expansive selection, from premium kraft to high-gloss finishes, ensuring your brand stands out. Our dedication to quality and eco-conscious choices guarantees both aesthetic appeal and sustainability. Make your mark with our versatile packaging options.

Highly Customizable
Highly Customizable
Highly Customizable
Highly Customizable

Optional printing process & ink

Choose MailerBoxFactory, a leading paper tube manufacturer, for bespoke printing solutions tailored to your brand. Our advanced printing processes, coupled with eco-friendly inks, ensure vibrant, lasting results. Elevate your packaging with customizable options that reflect quality, care, and sustainability. Your vision, our expertise.

Improved Durability
Better Product Aesthetics
Greater Protection Against Damage
Improve Brand Recognition

Our Happy Clients!

I’ve collaborated with numerous suppliers over the years, but MailerBoxFactory stands out. Their custom paper tubes are not only of exceptional quality but also exude craftsmanship and attention to detail. The durability and aesthetic appeal have immensely uplifted our brand’s image. Truly the best in the business!

Jordan M. Brand Manager

Partnering with MailerBoxFactory was a game-changer for us. Their custom paper tubes seamlessly blended our design vision with unparalleled durability. The personalized touch and eco-friendly approach have won our customers’ hearts. MailerBoxFactory truly embodies excellence in packaging.

Lydia P. Product Development Lead

Choosing MailerBoxFactory was the best decision for our brand. Their expertise in custom paper tubes brought our packaging vision to life. The balance of sustainability, craftsmanship, and style was impeccable. Grateful for their commitment to excellence!

Carlos R. Brand Strategist

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Types of Paper Tubes ?

    When delving into the diverse world of paper tubes, a paper tube manufacturer typically offers a variety of options to cater to different industry needs. Here are some common types:

    1. Spiral Wound Tubes: These are made by spirally winding and bonding strips of paper. They are commonly used in mailing, shipping, and as cores for rolled products.
    2. Convolute Wound Tubes: Created by winding paper around a mandrel in a lateral manner, these tubes boast a smooth exterior and are often used for firework casings or certain retail packaging.
    3. Mailing Tubes: Tailored for shipping and protecting documents, blueprints, or posters from damage during transit.
    4. Kraft Paper Tubes: Made primarily from kraft paper, these are sturdy and ideal for heavy-duty applications.
    5. Textile Tubes: Specifically designed as cores for fabric rolls, ensuring textiles remain wrinkle-free.
    6. Industrial Tubes: These are tailored for specific industrial needs and often vary in thickness and durability based on the application.
    7. Cosmetic Tubes: Sleek and aesthetically pleasing, these tubes are perfect for packaging cosmetic products like lip balms or lotions.
    8. Eco-friendly Tubes: A paper tube manufacturer with a focus on sustainability might offer tubes made from recycled or easily biodegradable materials.

    In collaboration with a reliable paper tube manufacturer, businesses can explore and choose the ideal type of paper tube that aligns perfectly with their specific requirements and branding.

  • What is paper tube ?

    A paper tube is a cylindrical container crafted from layers of paper, often bonded with adhesive, to achieve desired thickness and strength. These tubes are widely used in various industries, from packaging and shipping to cores for rolls of fabric or paper. Notably, a dedicated paper tube manufacturer will utilize advanced techniques and sustainable materials to ensure the tubes meet industry-specific needs and environmental standards.

  • How are Paper Tubes Made?

    The production of paper tubes is an intricate process, and a specialized paper tube manufacturer employs specific methods to ensure the tubes are both functional and durable. Here’s an overview of how paper tubes are typically made:

    1. Material Selection: The process begins with selecting the appropriate paper material. Depending on the intended use, a paper tube manufacturer might choose from kraft paper, recycled paper, or other specialty papers.

    2. Winding: The chosen paper is then wound around a cylindrical mandrel. Two main methods are employed:

      • Spiral Winding: Paper is spirally wound in layers, often used for mailing tubes and other general-purpose tubes.
      • Convolute Winding: Paper is wound laterally, creating a smooth exterior, typically used for more specific applications like cosmetic or industrial tubes.
    3. Adhesive Application: To hold the layers together and provide structural integrity, a specific adhesive is applied between the paper layers.

    4. Cutting: Once the winding process is complete and the adhesive has set, the long tube is cut into the desired lengths using precise cutting machines.

    5. Finishing Touches: Depending on the requirements, the tubes might undergo additional processes. This can include printing for branding, applying end caps, or adding other customization elements.

    6. Quality Check: A responsible paper tube manufacturer will always conduct a thorough quality check to ensure the tubes meet specific standards and are free from defects.

    7. Packaging & Shipping: Once approved, the tubes are packaged and prepared for shipping to various industries or direct consumers.

    By partnering with a reputable paper tube manufacturer, one can be assured of the quality and craftsmanship that goes into each step of the tube-making process, ensuring a final product that meets or exceeds expectations.

  • Where to Buy Paper Tubes?

    Selecting the right source for paper tubes is paramount in ensuring quality, durability, and meeting specific requirements. As a key consideration, partnering with a dedicated paper tube manufacturer like MailerBoxFactory offers distinct advantages. Here’s a guide to aid your purchase decision:

    1. Direct from Manufacturers: Purchasing directly from a renowned paper tube manufacturer like MailerBoxFactory ensures you receive top-tier quality, customizable options, and industry-leading expertise. Our commitment to excellence guarantees products tailored to your needs.

    2. Online Marketplaces: While platforms like Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay host a myriad of sellers, it’s vital to choose those affiliated with trusted paper tube manufacturers. Always vet sellers, check for certifications, and peruse reviews.

    3. Local Distributors: Some regional distributors may carry products from recognized paper tube manufacturers. While exploring this route, it’s beneficial to inquire if they stock products from leaders in the field, such as MailerBoxFactory.

    4. Trade Shows & Industry Events: Participating manufacturers often showcase their best products here. It’s a golden opportunity to interact directly with paper tube manufacturers, understand their offerings, and witness innovations. Look out for the MailerBoxFactory booth for firsthand experience of our premium range.

    5. Recommendations: Industry peers or partners might have valuable recommendations. A consistent name you might hear in terms of reliability and quality is MailerBoxFactory, testifying to our standing in the paper tube manufacturing domain.

    When the objective is to procure top-quality paper tubes, aligning with a trusted paper tube manufacturer like MailerBoxFactory ensures you’re making an informed and advantageous decision.

  • Can Cardboard Tubes Be Recycled?

    Absolutely, cardboard tubes can be recycled. As a committed paper tube manufacturer, we believe in sustainability and environmental responsibility. Cardboard tubes, being predominantly made from paper pulp, are typically recyclable in most municipal recycling programs. A few pointers to remember:

    1. Cleanliness: Before recycling, ensure the tubes are free from any contaminants like food, oil, or non-paper materials. Remove any plastic end caps or metal components if present.

    2. Local Regulations: Recycling guidelines can vary based on local regulations. It’s always good practice to check with your local recycling program to determine any specific requirements or restrictions.

    3. Sustainability Focused Manufacturers: When sourcing cardboard tubes, partnering with a paper tube manufacturer that prioritizes sustainable practices ensures that the tubes you procure are both eco-friendly and easily recyclable.

    4. Repurposing: Beyond recycling, cardboard tubes can also be creatively repurposed for DIY projects, crafts, or storage solutions.

    By recycling cardboard tubes, not only do we reduce waste, but we also contribute to the circular economy, conserving resources and reducing our carbon footprint. As a responsible paper tube manufacturer, we always advocate for and support environmentally-friendly practices in all stages of our production.

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